Many of us are doing what we think we must do, what’s expected of us. We’re in a certain kind of relationship, doing a certain job, working towards making a certain amount of money. It’s possible somewhere along the way someone else made these decisions for us and, like obedient schoolchildren, we’re simply following instructions. We’ve forgotten to ask ourselves whether these choices truly serve us, whether they make us happy.

Perhaps we’re not ready to take full responsibility for our life. Or no one modeled this for us. Or we dread making the wrong choice. Plus, we have obligations and we can’t just do whatever we want. We have other people to consider: our family, our friends, colleagues, bosses. We want to look good in their eyes, we want their approval and admiration.

If the role we’re playing isn’t true to who we are then we’re just just filling in until (hopefully) something better comes along. We’re living in fantasy and simultaneously denying our essence. Dare to ask the questions: where would I most like to be ten years from now? What desires have I been burying, postponing? Then embody your future self. Let her answer the question. Let her tell you how to get there.