We may notice a surge of energy when seasons shift and can use this momentum to manifest change. The energy of the vernal (spring) equinox helps us move into the next phase of our own development and can be felt viscerally.

I have been talking with my coach recently about wanting to re-commit to contemplative practice. I found myself gravitating naturally towards meditation a couple of weeks before the close of winter. Finding my way to a meditation class near my home felt intentional but also divinely inspired.

If there are projects we have been postponing due to fatigue or overwhelm, we find that there is more ease around getting started during the equinox. In general, there is less internal struggle and more fluidity, desire and connection. Pathways begin to open for us as we expand into clarity and possibility.

This a time of engagement. It invites us to consider and say yes to new experiences that delight and nurture our spirit. Darkness and light are exactly equal. We experience male and female energies coming into greater alignment. This balancing births sensuality, curiosity, play. It puts us intimately in touch with nature, and with our own blossoming.