At certain times in our life we may feel pressure to enter into agreements (with partners, spouses, institutions) before we’re truly ready. What this creates is tension both internally and externally; rarely is either party pleased.

When we’re able to let go, even for a few moments or a few days, the energy around the situation starts to shift. Without the push, there is inevitably yield. There is breath, spaciousness, release.

There are times when the other insists because they see no other way. We inevitably retract. It is an awkward dance, uncomfortable to watch. However, the growth comes when the rope is dropped. That is the experience of ease, acceptance of what is (or isn’t) so.

In any relationship there exists a delicate balance between presence and surrender. If we feel that we are being over-powered we may surrender to the point of retreat. When that happens we shrink and experience ourselves as passive, invisible. This is not an agreement that would support or inspire us.

When we’re moving in the direction of an agreement that doesn’t feel right to us, we can stop and ask what we’re trying to prove. If there’s fear, we give it an opportunity to reveal itself. With our commitment to living authentically comes a relationship with our inner voice. By embracing this guidance we put Self first.