When we’re stuck on the same things that keep getting in our way, it’s hard to see a way out. Changing the emotional channel gives us greater access to peace of mind. Here are some ideas for tuning into what we need and listening to our heart’s desire. The effect is that greater somatic healing can occur, transforming us and making us more available for all the gifts our life has to offer. Some of these are very specific and may not be suitable for everyone but I offer them as suggestions. These are actions that can be taken only once or done regularly for increased well-being.

1. Write a letter from the perspective of your child self
2. Write a letter to god
3. Ask your future self for guidance
4. EFT or Tapping
5. Experience the healing power of nature by getting outside
6. Clear space in your home so that new energy can flow in
7. Listen to a guided meditation
8. Make a gratitude list
9. Attend a 12 Step in-person or phone meeting
10. Do some simple, focused breathing