Name three people who love you. Take that in. Let it fill you with gratitude.

We often forget that we are not alone, that we walk this path with others. We also may have known them during past lifetimes. If we believe that everything has a purpose then even the grocer, the train conductor, the toll attendant we are meeting deserve our kindness.

There are those we recognize and those we ignore on a daily basis. The latter is what makes us feel isolated and disconnected from others and from our own spiritual nature.

We can remedy this by slowing down, by acknowledging those who help us even if simply by offering us their service. It affirms our interconnectedness with all of humanity — that each of us experiences loss and grief, and is also capable of empathy, love, understanding.

The people who love you won’t always do it perfectly. Neither will you. Sometimes it is a stranger who teaches you how to open your heart in a new way, who will bring you back to belonging and remind you of your perfect essence.