When we experience a rupture in our lives — a dark night of the soul — we may feel that there is nowhere to turn, that our options are limited. Our foot, metaphorically speaking, has been caught in a trap.

We experience our fear on a somatic level because it is asking to be witnessed and known so that it may be transformed. We are beginning again and being re-birthed. We may not know how to be with the intensity of feeling or how to reach out for help.

This is the moment of profound surrender, when we must be willing to ask — on our knees if necessary — to be guided by the universe and our loved ones: present, past and future. We anchor ourselves while also letting the necessary energy flow in and flow out. We seek balance as opposed to extremes.

Nurturing the inner child (or baby) begins with gentle care and listening. We allow her to tell us what is needed so that we can gather the appropriate resources. We let her know that she is loved and cherished and protected.

We reassure her that the world is a safe and welcoming place where she may play, explore, and know joy.