How can we identify the next right action when things feel dark, our hearts feel heavy? When I get stuck in negative thinking, I will often use the serenity prayer: “god, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

I’m a big believer in following the joy even when it feels elusive. Getting onto paper what’s getting in the way of your joy is a good place to start. Let yourself be honest about your feelings and set aside judgment. Then commit to taking one small action. If the task feels overwhelming set a timer for 20 minutes and only do what you can in those 20 minutes. (Sometimes all I do is write out the serenity prayer a few times.)

And reward yourself, lovingly. Let this be enough. Once you’ve taken your action, move on. Don’t judge your progress. At this point what came before or what happens next is none of your business. You’ve done what you came here to do.