My whole body
has been a jaw
clenched too tight,
breath not taken,
a heart severed
from spirit.
I want to marry
all parts of me

If we are to awaken flow we first must recognize that we have been asleep.  That flow and spirit have been cut off. We must ask: what does it mean to truly return to our roots? To the root of essence. There are things we know how to do but we imagine they have “gone out of style” or can’t seem to make time for them.

We can start simply.

To reawaken flow is to go home and cook a delicious meal even if only for yourself, to read a book, make music.  To reconnect with desire. And the things that currently block flow: anger or resentment or jealousy or fear. To just say, this is here and I am not these things. This is where I hurt and how I can heal.

These can be our teachers.

And the obstructions are where we have caved in, places in ourselves we’ve forgotten how to access. But we must venture there, into those dark rooms of the psyche. No other love can get into us if we don’t first penetrate the walls of resistance with self-love. Flow follows light.