You can attempt to grasp it intellectually but to embody your power, you must move beyond imagination into the somatic. Expanding consciousness is not only centered in the mind, it is also inherently physical. Your spirit is enlivened when you can utilize your body in ways that awaken pleasure and tune the senses.

The truth is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  We embrace the ups and downs, the imperfections, and all that comes with this human life. But we don’t have to take up residence in limited human views.

Standing in your power means recognizing the vastness of the universe and that you are a part of that. You are a wildly creative, authentic, radiant thing. How do you choose to translate and express that on the earthly plane?

As she steps into her power she mimics nature, a large tree with strong roots and many limbs and branches. She is simultaneously rooted in the ground while reaching expansively skyward.

Standing in your power affirms possibility, the palpable magic of soul. That you exist outside of time and are therefore not bound by it. What this means presently is that you have a high purpose. You are a channel for the experience of your choosing.