Some believe god exists in all things. It can be difficult to grasp, both somatically and cognitively, what this means. To have a felt sense of the divine.

We can access and utilize a higher power only when we have some deeper awareness of its presence. Otherwise we are acting as if, or without faith altogether. In a kind of psychological limbo. Not because we don’t believe in god, but because we don’t know there is a power greater than us.

There is a playful aspect to the process of discovering the divine. One can locate it, if only fleetingly, in meditation or dance or in the experience of love. Often, however, we are split off at the root. We have forgotten our own mystery.

As we dare to become familiar with our loss, we may then become reacquainted with our knowing. It is a language we learned long ago and can never truly lose. To remember it again we must sit near the altar of our own curiosity. Here, spirit and beauty are one.