It is possible that physical intimacy has not always been safe for you. This may be the result of past abuse or neglect. Each of these has different effects on the life of the individual.

We may reach a point in our development as adults where we crave connection with others but don’t know how to satisfy that yearning. Instead we turn to addictive behaviors that have served as outlets for self-soothing. The outcome is often a feeling of isolation and reinforcing that we are unlovable.

Healthy modes of receiving love include safe touch, cuddling, intimacy that reinforces our own agency. This may come through participation in events or classes that foster healing, or nurturing one-on-one environments.

Whatever modality we choose — and we may try several before we find what resonates — the goal is to bring with us a sense of wonder and curiosity. To trust the feedback we receive from our body in the process.

As we begin to notice our patterns and the ways that we keep love out, we also start to recognize how others respond. When we begin to share more honestly, we notice that others reciprocate. By allowing ourselves to be fully present, we engage with the energy of love at a deeper level.