On the other side of positive intention is its opposite, its shadow. The more we repress this part, the more strongly it manifests in our relationships and daily interactions. Acknowledging that an element of shadow powers our choices liberates us from feeling shame. We are human and we must engage both with light and darkness. There is nothing essentially wrong, for instance, with having judgmental thoughts; the issue is really what we choose to do with these thoughts. Ignoring them doesn’t work, neither does giving them full rein. We must find a balanced approach. Both embracing and detaching. This may seem like a paradox but it is possible, particularly in various forms of meditation. Because we can imagine that thoughts are like passing clouds, we understand that they change all the time. From moment to moment there is transformation. The human mind is the same way. Recognizing that nothing is fixed, we cling less to “good” and “bad.” In this neutral state, we accept that everything is fluid. We see that shadow has something to teach us, that it awakens in us something previously unseen and brings to life what was once secret.