To start each day with the question in our mind: What does this day want to be? And to follow our inner wisdom. This takes discipline and practice. When we find that easeful communication with Self, we fall in love with universal flow. We begin to understand that grace is an experience to be embodied, to enter into somatically. What this gives us is an ability to both receive and be received; its energy is both feminine and masculine.

When we meet this flow, we also learn that even the mundane activities of our day are infused with it. Preparing a meal, washing dishes, doing the laundry. It means that inspiration can be found at all times and in all things. Profound insight doesn’t only enter when we’re searching for it; it’s ever-present. The fluid poetry of beingness.

And what interrupts this is our own mind, our own discursive thought process. We can, at any moment, be either in bliss or fear. In acceptance or aversion. It is up to us. And when we don’t achieve states of wellness, we are allowed to start over, begin again. We get to pause and invite in breath, light, the divine.

Knowing this gives us power and autonomy. It connects us with the essence of our life, and the interrelatedness of all things. Magic is everywhere and it is ours to experience. Each day we can ask for it to be revealed. All we have to do is be willing. It makes us humble to ask, opens our heart in a tender and new way. It restores us and makes us devotees, gives us fresh eyes with which to see the world.