The unknown cannot be imagined by our human mind. By definition, it is something we haven’t yet experienced. To conceive of the unknown, therefore, is to reduce otherwise limitless possibility.

There are many things, on a daily basis, that distance us from our potential. The obvious are big distractions, routine thoughts, self-harming behaviors. On a subtle level, however, we are impacted by our physical environment. Our surroundings play a crucial role in supporting our well-being.

Refining our approach to living is ultimately and essentially about balance. It’s about embodying open-heartedness. And subtle shifts, much like taking a deep breath in the middle of an argument, can change everything.

How we relate to the spaces we occupy – from our homes and neighborhoods to our cities and planet – will determine the extent to which we are open and available to change. And the unknown is all about adapting to change.

When you look around your living space, what do you see? Is this a friendly and nurturing space, or one that is cluttered and in disarray? What feelings are evoked when you think about being a guest in your home?

Take an inventory of everything you own. You can start by listing the items that you are most attached to. Ask yourself what need or value they support, and whether they bring you joy. If they aren’t necessary, clear them from your home. Give them away. See how making room creates clarity and invites in the unknown.